Take-home Exercise 1

0. Goals & Objectives.

On this page, we define Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) to understand spatial and spatio-temporal mobility patterns of public bus passengers in Singapore.

More detail about the task from: https://isss624-ay2023-24nov.netlify.app/take-home_ex01

Important Note

Due to the nature of EDA and Data Analysis, parts of this page have been Collapsed or placed behind tabs, to avoid excessive scrolling.

For easier reading, this study is also presented in point-form.

0.1 Motivation

Public transport is a key concern for residents in land-scarce, population-dense Singapore. With COEs reaching record highs and authorities announcing the termination of bus services, there is no better time to understand the public transport network and systems in Singapore.

By understanding and modelling patterns of public transport consumption - including specifically Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA), insights can be provided to both public and private sector to formulate more informed decisions that for the benefit of the public, and not just for profit.

1. Geospatial Data Wrangling

This study was performed in R, written in R Studio, and published using Quarto.

1.1 Import Packages

This function calls pacman to load sf, tidyverse, tmap, knitr packages;

  • tmap : For thematic mapping; powerful mapping package;
  • sf : for geospatial data handling, but also geoprocessing: buffer, point-in-polygon count, etc;
  • sfdep : useful functions for creating weight matrix, LISA calculations etc;
  • tidyverse : for non-spatial data handling; commonly used R package and contains dplyr for dataframe manipulation and ggplot for data visualization;
  • DT: for displaying datatables;
  • leaflet: for custom layer controls over tmap visualisations.
pacman::p_load(tmap, sf, sfdep, tidyverse, DT, leaflet)

1.2 Import Data

1.2.1 Load Geospatial Bus Stop Data

  • First, we load BusStop shapefile data from LTA Datamall;
  • st_read() is used to import the ESRI Shapefile data into an sf dataframe.
show code
raw_bus_stop_sf <- st_read(dsn = "data/geospatial", 
                 layer = "BusStop") 
Reading layer `BusStop' from data source 
  `C:\1darren\ISSS624\Take-home_Ex01\data\geospatial' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 5161 features and 3 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 3970.122 ymin: 26482.1 xmax: 48284.56 ymax: 52983.82
Projected CRS: SVY21
show code
Simple feature collection with 6 features and 3 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 13228.59 ymin: 30391.85 xmax: 41603.76 ymax: 44206.38
Projected CRS: SVY21
  BUS_STOP_N BUS_ROOF_N             LOC_DESC                  geometry
1      22069        B06   OPP CEVA LOGISTICS POINT (13576.31 32883.65)
2      32071        B23         AFT TRACK 13 POINT (13228.59 44206.38)
3      44331        B01              BLK 239  POINT (21045.1 40242.08)
4      96081        B05 GRACE INDEPENDENT CH POINT (41603.76 35413.11)
5      11561        B05              BLK 166 POINT (24568.74 30391.85)
6      66191        B03         AFT CORFE PL POINT (30951.58 38079.61)
  • We check the coordinate reference system with st_crs();
show code
Coordinate Reference System:
  User input: SVY21 
        DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",
            ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
        METHOD["Transverse Mercator",
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",1.36666666666667,
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",103.833333333333,
        PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",1,
        PARAMETER["False easting",28001.642,
        PARAMETER["False northing",38744.572,
  • We see that although the projection is SVY21, the CRS (coordinate reference system) is EPSG 9001, which is incorrect;
  • We thus use st_set_crs() to set it to 3414, which is the EPSG code for SVY21;
    • we then use st_crs() to confirm it is the correct EPSG code.
show code
raw_bus_stop_sf <- st_set_crs(raw_bus_stop_sf, 3414)
Warning: st_crs<- : replacing crs does not reproject data; use st_transform for
show code
Coordinate Reference System:
  User input: EPSG:3414 
PROJCRS["SVY21 / Singapore TM",
            ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
    CONVERSION["Singapore Transverse Mercator",
        METHOD["Transverse Mercator",
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",1.36666666666667,
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",103.833333333333,
        PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",1,
        PARAMETER["False easting",28001.642,
        PARAMETER["False northing",38744.572,
        AXIS["northing (N)",north,
        AXIS["easting (E)",east,
        SCOPE["Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping."],
        AREA["Singapore - onshore and offshore."],
  • We now do a quick plot to quickly visualize the bus stops;
    • qtm() is a wrapper to do a quick, simple plot using tmap without defining arguments;
    • we use tmap_mode("plot") to set the map as a static image, rather than as an interactive map, in order to save processing time.
show code
tmap mode set to plotting
show code

1.2.2 Visualizing Within Singapore’s Administrative National Boundary

  • This image is hard to read; we can vaguely discern Singapore’s Southern coastline, but it can be hard to visualize.
  • I have sourced and downloaded supplemental data about Singapore’s Administrative National Boundary (“SANB”) from igismap.com as a base layer for visualization;
    • We set tmap_mode("view") to allow us to scroll and confirm the SARB boundaries;
    • As before, we use st_read() to load the shapefile data, and st_transform() to ensure the projection is correct;
      • We use tm_shape() + tm_polygons() to map a grey layer of the SARB boundaries;
      • On top of which, we layer tm_shape() + tm_dots() to show the bus stops.
show code
sanb_sf <- st_read(dsn = "data/geospatial", 
                 layer = "singapore_administrative_national_boundary") %>%
  st_transform(crs = 3414)
Reading layer `singapore_administrative_national_boundary' from data source 
  `C:\1darren\ISSS624\Take-home_Ex01\data\geospatial' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 15 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 103.6056 ymin: 1.158682 xmax: 104.4074 ymax: 1.471564
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
show code
tmap mode set to interactive viewing
show code
tm_shape(sanb_sf) +
  tm_polygons() + 
  tm_shape(raw_bus_stop_sf) + 
show code
## Additional data from: Data.gov.sg, https://beta.data.gov.sg/datasets/d_02cba6aeeed323b5f6c723527757c0bc/view
Does The Map Look Skewed To The Right?

That’s because the Singapore National Administrative Boundaries map includes Pedra Branca, the much-disputed outlying island and easternmost point of Singapore.

It’s an amusing artifact here, but will not be involved in further analysis later.

  • We note there are a number of bus stops outside Singapore’s boundaries; Specifically, three bus stops in a cluster just outside the Causeway, and one further North.
  • We perform several steps to isolate & check the data;
    • we use st_filter() to find bus stops within Singapore’s Administrative National Boundaries, and create sg_bus_stop_sf for future use.
    • to check what bus stops have been dropped, we use anti_join() to compare raw_bus_stop_sf with sg_bus_stop_sf. We use st_drop_geometry on both sf dataframes to only compare the non-geometry columns.
show code
sg_bus_stop_sf <- st_filter(raw_bus_stop_sf, sanb_sf)
anti_join(st_drop_geometry(raw_bus_stop_sf), st_drop_geometry(sg_bus_stop_sf))
Joining with `by = join_by(BUS_STOP_N, BUS_ROOF_N, LOC_DESC)`
1      47701        NIL          JB SENTRAL
2      46239         NA          LARKIN TER
3      46609         NA     KOTARAYA II TER
4      46211        NIL JOHOR BAHRU CHECKPT
5      46219        NIL JOHOR BAHRU CHECKPT
  • We see there are in fact 5 bus stops outside of Singapore (including the defunct Kotaraya II Terminal) that have been removed, which means our data cleaning was correct.

1.3 Geospatial Data Cleaning

1.3.1 Removing Duplicate Bus Stops

  • But, do we need to do more data cleaning?
  • We use length() to find the total number of raw values in the $BUS_STOP_N column of sg_bus_stop_sf;
    • We then compare this to length(unique()) to find the unique values;
  • And, indeed, we find there are 16 bus stops that are repeated;
cat("Total number of rows in sg_bus_stop_sf\t\t: ", paste0(length(sg_bus_stop_sf$BUS_STOP_N)))
Total number of rows in sg_bus_stop_sf      :  5156
cat("\nTotal unique bus stop IDs in sg_bus_stop_sf\t: ", paste0(length(unique(sg_bus_stop_sf$BUS_STOP_N))))

Total unique bus stop IDs in sg_bus_stop_sf :  5140
cat("\nRepeated bus stops\t\t\t\t:   ", paste0(length(raw_bus_stop_sf$BUS_STOP_N) - length(unique(raw_bus_stop_sf$BUS_STOP_N))))

Repeated bus stops              :    16
  • It appears there are 16 datapoints that are specifically repeated; let’s identify the bus stop numbers with repeated rows:
    • First we use filter() with a pipe mark (using or condition) to identify repeated bus stop numbers (i.e. $BUS_STOP_N);
    • We sort them in ascending order using arrange(); then, using group_by() and row_number() we add row numbers based on $BUS_STOP_N to a new column using mutate().
show code
repeated_df <- sg_bus_stop_sf %>%
  filter(duplicated(BUS_STOP_N) | duplicated(BUS_STOP_N, fromLast = TRUE)) %>% 
  arrange(BUS_STOP_N) %>%
  group_by(BUS_STOP_N) %>%
  mutate(RowNumber = row_number())

  • From examination, there are 32 bus stops sharing 16 bus stop numbers – 16 pairs of bus stops sharing the same number.
  • Let’s examine these bus stop pairs on the map;
    • we use mapview() to display these repeated bus stops on the map;
    • we use col="BUS_STOP_N" with palette="Spectral to give each pair of bus stops an individual colour.
show code
tmap mode set to interactive viewing
show code
tm_shape(sanb_sf) +
  tm_polygons() + 
  tm_shape(repeated_df) + 
  tm_dots(col = "BUS_STOP_N", palette = "Spectral")
  • After confirming with Prof Kam, we will simply drop the second instance of the rows.
    • we use duplicated() to identify rows with repeated values of $BUS_STOP_N; duplicated rows will return TRUE while all other rows will return FALSE
    • We use ! to invert the values, so only the unduplicated rows will return TRUE.
    • We then use square brackets [] to index sg_bus_stop_sf based on the rows, and return only the unduplicated rows;
show code
sg_bus_stop_sf <- sg_bus_stop_sf[!duplicated(sg_bus_stop_sf$BUS_STOP_N), ]
Simple feature collection with 6 features and 3 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 13228.59 ymin: 30391.85 xmax: 41603.76 ymax: 44206.38
Projected CRS: SVY21 / Singapore TM
  BUS_STOP_N BUS_ROOF_N             LOC_DESC                  geometry
1      22069        B06   OPP CEVA LOGISTICS POINT (13576.31 32883.65)
2      32071        B23         AFT TRACK 13 POINT (13228.59 44206.38)
3      44331        B01              BLK 239  POINT (21045.1 40242.08)
4      96081        B05 GRACE INDEPENDENT CH POINT (41603.76 35413.11)
5      11561        B05              BLK 166 POINT (24568.74 30391.85)
6      66191        B03         AFT CORFE PL POINT (30951.58 38079.61)

I was unable to take Prof Kam’s Data Analytics Lab, but I know of his fervour and attention to detail. I believe in informed choices, and so I performed manual cleaning with the following steps:

  • Remove the rows with lowercase names, as most $LOC_DESC are in strict uppercase

  • Remove the rows with NA $LOC_DESC

  • Remove the row with NIL $LOC_DESC

  • For remaining rows, drop second entry

  • Retain remaining rows

After this, we just run the same steps on sg_bus_stop_sf or perform an anti-join.

However, after clarification with Prof Kam, we just drop the second entry. My code is shown below for the gratification of those who may enjoy it.

show code
drop_second_stop = c("43709", "51071", "53041", "52059", "58031", "68091", "68099", "97079")
rows_to_retain_df <- repeated_df %>%
      BUS_STOP_N == "11009" & grepl("[a-z]", LOC_DESC) ~ FALSE,
      BUS_STOP_N == "22501" & grepl("[a-z]", LOC_DESC) ~ FALSE,
      BUS_STOP_N == "77329" & grepl("[a-z]", LOC_DESC) ~ FALSE,
      BUS_STOP_N == "82221" & grepl("[a-z]", LOC_DESC) ~ FALSE,
      BUS_STOP_N == "62251" & grepl("[a-z]", LOC_DESC) ~ FALSE,
      BUS_STOP_N == "96319" & grepl("[a-z]", LOC_DESC) ~ FALSE,

      BUS_STOP_N == "47201" & is.na(LOC_DESC) ~ FALSE,

      BUS_STOP_N == "67421" & BUS_ROOF_N == "NIL" ~ FALSE,
      BUS_STOP_N %in% drop_second_stop & RowNumber == 2 ~ FALSE,

      TRUE ~ TRUE

rows_to_retain_df$LOC_DESC  = toupper(rows_to_retain_df$LOC_DESC)

print("Printing rows to retain:")
[1] "Printing rows to retain:"
show code
Simple feature collection with 16 features and 4 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 13488.02 ymin: 32604.36 xmax: 44144.57 ymax: 47934
Projected CRS: SVY21 / Singapore TM
# A tibble: 16 × 5
# Groups:   BUS_STOP_N [16]
   BUS_STOP_N BUS_ROOF_N LOC_DESC                       geometry RowNumber
 * <chr>      <chr>      <chr>                       <POINT [m]>     <int>
 1 11009      B04-TMNL   GHIM MOH TER        (23100.58 32604.36)         2
 2 22501      B02        BLK 662A            (13488.02 35537.88)         2
 3 43709      B06        BLK 644              (18963.42 36762.8)         1
 4 47201      NIL        W'LANDS NTH STN        (22632.92 47934)         2
 5 51071      B21        MACRITCHIE RESERVO… (28311.27 36036.92)         1
 6 52059      B03        OPP BLK 65           (30770.3 34460.06)         1
 7 53041      B05        UPP THOMSON ROAD     (28105.8 37246.76)         1
 8 58031      UNK        OPP CANBERRA DR      (27089.69 47570.9)         1
 9 62251      B03        BEF BLK 471B        (35500.36 39943.34)         2
10 67421      B01        CHENG LIM STN EXIT… (34548.54 42052.15)         1
11 68091      B01        AFT BAKER ST        (32164.11 42695.98)         1
12 68099      B02        BEF BAKER ST         (32154.9 42742.82)         1
13 77329      B01        BEF PASIR RIS ST 53 (40765.35 39452.18)         1
14 82221      B01        BLK 3A               (35323.6 33257.05)         1
15 96319      NIL        YUSEN LOGISTICS     (42187.23 34995.78)         2
16 97079      B14        OPP ST. JOHN'S CRES (44144.57 38980.25)         1
  • If we run the steps from above, we can see that there are no repeated bus stops.
cat("Total number of rows in sg_bus_stop_sf\t\t: ", paste0(length(sg_bus_stop_sf$BUS_STOP_N)))
Total number of rows in sg_bus_stop_sf      :  5140
cat("\nTotal unique bus stop IDs in sg_bus_stop_sf\t: ", paste0(length(unique(sg_bus_stop_sf$BUS_STOP_N))))

Total unique bus stop IDs in sg_bus_stop_sf :  5140
cat("\nRepeated bus stops\t\t\t\t:   ", paste0(length(sg_bus_stop_sf$BUS_STOP_N) - length(unique(sg_bus_stop_sf$BUS_STOP_N))))

Repeated bus stops              :    0

1.4 Generating Hexagon Maps

  • We use st_make_grid() with square = FALSE to create the hexagon layer as defined in the study, which we name raw_hex_grid;
    • We pass cellsize = 500 to create the hexagons of necessary size. Prof Kam defined the apothem as 250m, which means the distance between opposite edges is double that, or 500m;
      • I used units::as_units to pass 500 metres into the argument. I am still uncertain whether a length of 500m needs to be reprojected, or whether we need to do any further transformation.
  • We use st_sf() to convert raw_hex_grid into an sf dataframe;
    • mutate() is used here to create a grid_id column;
    • We just use st_transform() in case we need to reproject the coordinate system, just in case.
  • However, trying to visualize this right now just gives us a map full of hexagons:
show code
raw_hex_grid = st_make_grid(sg_bus_stop_sf, cellsize = units::as_units(500, "m"), what = "polygons", square = FALSE) %>%
  st_transform(crs = 3414)
# To sf and add grid ID
raw_hex_grid <- st_sf(raw_hex_grid) %>%
  # add grid ID
  mutate(grid_id = 1:length(lengths(raw_hex_grid))) %>%
  st_transform(crs = 3414)

tmap mode set to plotting
show code

  • What we will need is to isolate only the hexagons with bus stops in them.
    • We use lengths(st_intersects()) to count the number of bus stops in each hexagon, and add that to a new column, $n_bus_stops ;
    • We then create hexagon_sf by filtering for only hexagons with non-zero bus stops in each.
  • We then plot these using the usual tmap() functions;
    • tm_basemap()is used to create a “basemap” layer underneath to orient our hexagons.
    • We used OneMapSG as our comprehensive map of Singapore; if you zoom in, you can actually count the number of bus stops in red on the map.
show code
# Count number of points in each grid, code snippet referenced from: 
# https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/323698/counting-points-in-polygons-with-sf-package-of-r

raw_hex_grid$n_bus_stops = lengths(st_intersects(raw_hex_grid, sg_bus_stop_sf))

# remove grid without value of 0 (i.e. no points inside that grid)
hexagon_sf = filter(raw_hex_grid, n_bus_stops > 0)
# head(hexagon_sf)

tmap mode set to interactive viewing
show code
tm_basemap(providers$OneMapSG.Grey) + 
  tm_shape(hexagon_sf) +
    col = "n_bus_stops",
    palette = "-plasma",
    style = "cont",
    breaks = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12),
    title = "Number of bus_stops",
    id = "grid_id",
    showNA = FALSE,
    alpha = 0.6,
    popup.vars = c(
      "Number of Bus Stops: " = "n_bus_stops"
    popup.format = list(
      n_bus_stops = list(format = "f", digits = 0)
  ) +
  tm_borders(col = "grey40", lwd = 0.7)
  • There seem to be 2 regions of deep purple, centred over an area near, but not exactly over Pasir Ris and Choa Chu Kang MRTs.
  • We perform some simple stats to count the total number of filtered hexagons, and to see the maximum number of bus stops in a hexagon.
show code
cat(paste("Total number of raw hexagons is\t\t\t: ", nrow(raw_hex_grid), "\n"))
Total number of raw hexagons is         :  5040 
show code
cat(paste("Total number of hexagons (n_bus_stop > 1) is\t: ", nrow(hexagon_sf)), "\n")
Total number of hexagons (n_bus_stop > 1) is    :  1520 
show code
cat("\nPrinting map_hexagon_sf:\n >> ")

Printing map_hexagon_sf:
show code
hexagon_sf[hexagon_sf$n_bus_stops > 10, ]
Simple feature collection with 2 features and 2 fields
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 17470.12 ymin: 38317.78 xmax: 42720.12 ymax: 40194.17
Projected CRS: SVY21 / Singapore TM
                       raw_hex_grid grid_id n_bus_stops
304  POLYGON ((17720.12 39616.82...    1584          11
1462 POLYGON ((42470.12 38317.78...    4355          11
  • For the next step, we’ll need to manage the aspatial bus trips dataset, which is what we’ll work on now.

1.5 Aspatial Data Wrangling: Bus trip dataset

1.5.1 Import Bus O/D Dataset

  • For our purposes, we will focus only on 2023-October Passenger Volume by Origin Destination Bus Stops, downloaded from LTA DataMall;

  • We use read_csv() to load the data from the .csv file;

  • We use select() with a - sign to remove two columns redundant for our analysis:

    • $PT_TYPE column indicates the type of public transport, however, every value is “BUS”
    • $YEAR_MONTH column similarly has “2023-10” for every value, which we are aware of
    • With this in mind, we drop these two columns to save space.
  • Finally, we do as.factor() to convert two columns ($ORIGIN_PT_CODE and $DESTINATION_PT_CODE)from character to factor, for easier analysis.

show code
odbus_2310 <- read_csv("data/aspatial/origin_destination_bus_202310.csv")
Rows: 5694297 Columns: 7
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
show code
odbus_2310 <- select(odbus_2310, -PT_TYPE, -YEAR_MONTH)
odbus_2310$ORIGIN_PT_CODE <- as.factor(odbus_2310$ORIGIN_PT_CODE)
odbus_2310$DESTINATION_PT_CODE <- as.factor(odbus_2310$DESTINATION_PT_CODE)

tibble [5,694,297 × 5] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
 $ TIME_PER_HOUR      : num [1:5694297] 16 16 14 14 17 17 17 7 14 14 ...
 $ ORIGIN_PT_CODE     : Factor w/ 5073 levels "01012","01013",..: 105 105 4428 4428 2011 834 834 781 4462 4462 ...
 $ DESTINATION_PT_CODE: Factor w/ 5077 levels "01012","01013",..: 240 240 4742 4742 693 809 809 235 4002 4002 ...
 $ TOTAL_TRIPS        : num [1:5694297] 3 5 3 5 4 1 24 2 1 7 ...
  • This is a huge tibble dataframe with over 5 million rows.

1.5.2 Filter For Peaks

  • We now perform a multi-step filter process;
    1. We combine mutate() with case_when() to create a new column, $PEAK, based on the study criteria:
      1. “WEEKDAY_MORNING_PEAK” if $DAY_TYPE is “WEEKDAY” and bus tap-on time (e.g. $TIME_PER_HOUR) is between 6 am and 9 am, inclusive;
      2. “WEEKDAY_AFTERNOON_PEAK” if $DAY_TYPE is “WEEKDAY” and bus tap-on time (e.g. $TIME_PER_HOUR) is between 5 pm and 8pm, inclusive;
      3. “WEEKEND_MORNING_PEAK” if $DAY_TYPE is “WEEKENDS/HOLIDAY” and bus tap-on time (e.g. $TIME_PER_HOUR) is between 11 am and 2pm, inclusive;
      4. “WEEKDAY_AFTERNOON_PEAK” if $DAY_TYPE is “WEEKENDS/HOLIDAY” and bus tap-on time (e.g. $TIME_PER_HOUR) is between 4 pm and 7pm, inclusive;
      5. Remaining values are assigned “Unknown” value.
    2. We then use filter() to eliminate those with “Unknown” $PEAK values, i.e. rows outside the period of interest for the study
    3. We use group_by() to group the values by $ORIGIN_PT_CODE and $PEAK, and use summarise() to aggregate the sum of $TOTAL_TRIPS as a new column, $TRIPS.
    4. Finally, we use pivot_wider() to pivot our long table into wide format, where each column represents one of the peak periods of interest in our study, and the values are filled from $TRIPS. We use the values_fill argument to fill in a value of “0” if the bus stop has a missing value.
    5. We use write_rds() to save the output dataframe, odbus_filtered, as an RDS object for future reference/load.
  • Note that we convert the values for $TIME_PER_HOUR to 24-hour clock, e.g. “5pm” is “17” hundred hours, “8pm” is “20” hundred hours,.
  • We truncate “Weekend/Public Holiday” to “WEEKEND” for easier reading/reference.
odbus_filtered <- odbus_2310 %>%
  mutate(PEAK = case_when(
    TRUE ~ "Unknown"
  )) %>%
      PEAK == "Unknown" ~ FALSE,
      TRUE ~ TRUE
    )) %>%
  group_by(ORIGIN_PT_CODE, PEAK) %>%
  summarise(TRIPS = sum(TOTAL_TRIPS)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = PEAK, values_from = TRIPS, values_fill = 0)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'ORIGIN_PT_CODE'. You can override using
the `.groups` argument.
write_rds(odbus_filtered, "data/rds/odbus_filtered.rds")
# A tibble: 6 × 5
# Groups:   ORIGIN_PT_CODE [6]
  <fct>                           <dbl>                <dbl>
1 01012                            8000                 1770
2 01013                            7038                  841
3 01019                            3398                 1530
4 01029                            9089                 2483
5 01039                           12095                 2919
6 01059                            2212                 1734
# ℹ 2 more variables: WEEKEND_EVENING_PEAK <dbl>, WEEKEND_MORNING_PEAK <dbl>

1.6 Combine Bus Trip Data With hexagon_sf Dataframe

  • For our study purposes, we need to have the number of bus trips originating from each hexagon. In order to achieve this, we must combine our three current dataframes:
    • hexagon_sf, an sf dataframe with $grid_id column (primary key) and the specific polygon geometry of each hexagon;
    • sg_bus_stop_sf, an sf dataframe with the $BUS_STOP_N (primary key) and the point geometry of each bus stop;
    • odbus_filtered, a tibble dataframe with the $ORIGIN_PT_CODE (primary key) column and the trip details for each of the four peak periods of interest.

1.6.1 Identify Hexagon grid_id For Each Bus Stop

  • First, we combine hexagon_sf with sg_bus_stop_sf ;
    • We use st_intersection to combine the dataframes such that each row of sg_bus_stop_sf has an associated grid_id;
    • We use select() to filter the resultant bus_stop_hexgrid_id dataframe to only $grid_id and $BUS_STOP_N columns, and use st_drop_geometry() to convert into a simple dataframe with just two columns:
show code
bus_stop_hexgrid_id <- st_intersection(sg_bus_stop_sf, hexagon_sf) %>%
  select(grid_id, BUS_STOP_N) %>%
Warning: attribute variables are assumed to be spatially constant throughout
all geometries
show code
cat("\nNumber of bus stops\t:", length(unique(bus_stop_hexgrid_id$BUS_STOP_N)))

Number of bus stops : 5140
show code
cat("\nNumber of hexgrids\t:", length(unique(bus_stop_hexgrid_id$grid_id)))

Number of hexgrids  : 1520
show code
     grid_id BUS_STOP_N
3265      31      25059
2566      59      25751
254       90      26379
2893     115      25761
2823     117      25719
4199     117      26389

1.6.2 Identify Bus Trip Details For Each Hexagon grid_id

  • Here, we again use multiple steps to generate bus trip details for each hexagon grid_id;
    1. We use left_join() to add the grid_id to each row of odbus_filtered, since each row has a unique single bus stop ID (i.e. $BUS_STOP_N);
    2. We use select() to retain only the grid_id and the four peak-trips columns;
    3. We combine group_by() and summarise() to aggregate the trips for each peak by grid_id.
  • Finally, we use head() to preview the grid_trips_df tibble dataframe.
show code
show code
grid_trips_df <- left_join(odbus_filtered, bus_stop_hexgrid_id, 
            by = c("ORIGIN_PT_CODE" = "BUS_STOP_N")) %>%
  group_by(grid_id) %>%
Adding missing grouping variables: `ORIGIN_PT_CODE`
show code
# A tibble: 6 × 5
    <int>                 <dbl>                   <dbl>                 <dbl>
1      31                   103                     390                     0
2      59                    52                     114                    26
3      90                    78                     291                    52
4     115                   185                    1905                   187
5     117                  1116                    2899                   455
6     118                    53                     241                    76
# ℹ 1 more variable: WEEKEND_EVENING_TRIPS <dbl>

1.6.3 Combine Bus Trip Details Back Into hexagon_sf

  • Finally, it’s time to recombine bus trip data back into hexagon_sf;
    • We use left_join on $grid_id to add trip data back into hexagon_sf;
    • We add a failsafe mutate() to replace any “NA” values for the columns.
show code
hexagon_sf <- left_join(hexagon_sf, grid_trips_df, 
            by = 'grid_id' ) %>%

Simple feature collection with 6 features and 6 fields
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 3720.122 ymin: 27925.48 xmax: 4970.122 ymax: 31533.92
Projected CRS: SVY21 / Singapore TM
1      31           1                   103                     390
2      59           1                    52                     114
3      90           1                    78                     291
4     115           1                   185                    1905
5     117           2                  1116                    2899
6     118           1                    53                     241
  WEEKEND_MORNING_TRIPS WEEKEND_EVENING_TRIPS                   raw_hex_grid
1                     0                    56 POLYGON ((3970.122 27925.48...
2                    26                    14 POLYGON ((4220.122 28358.49...
3                    52                   100 POLYGON ((4470.122 30523.55...
4                   187                   346 POLYGON ((4720.122 28358.49...
5                   455                   634 POLYGON ((4720.122 30090.54...
6                    76                    55 POLYGON ((4720.122 30956.57...

1.7 Exploratory Data Analysis Of Bus Trips, Across Peak Periods, By Hexagons

  • For ggplot, we need data in long format, so we can use gather() on grid_trips_df from Section 1.6.2 to pivot this;
  • We then pipe this into a geom_boxplot() for an exploratory look:
show code
gather(grid_trips_df, key = "Peak", value = "Trips", -grid_id) %>%
  ggplot( aes(x=Peak, y=Trips, fill=Peak)) +
  geom_boxplot() + 
  ggtitle("Boxplot: Trips over peak periods, 2023-Oct data") +
    xlab("") + 
      ) +


We also observe that number of trips for Weekday Morning & Weekday Afternoon seems to be larger than Weekend Morning and Weekend Evening peak trips. This is also confirmed by the figure in the next section.

This means that we will have to consider Weekday and Weekend peaks on different scales.

  • This is an exceptionally ugly plot, but it shows an important point: there is some serious right skew in our dataset;
  • Clearly, there are some hexagons with exceptionally high trips compared to the rest of the hexagons But, could this be because some hexagons have up to 11 bus stops, while others have 1 or 2?
  • We do a quick scatter plot based on $n_bus_stops to verify this:
show code
hexagon_sf %>% 
  st_drop_geometry() %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("WEEK"),
               names_to = "PEAK", values_to = "TRIPS") %>%
  ggplot( aes(x=TRIPS, y=n_bus_stops, color=PEAK, shape=PEAK)) +
  geom_point(size=2) +
  ggtitle("Scatterplot: Trips over peak periods by number of bus stops per hexagon, 2023-Oct data") +
    theme(legend.position=c(.85, .15),
          legend.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent"),
          legend.key.size = unit(0.5, "cm"),  
          legend.text = element_text(size = 6),
          legend.title = element_text(size = 8)

  • Surprising results from our plot! If we consider those with > 100,000 trips as outliers, most of them come from hexagons with between 4-8 bus stops;
  • There is some correlation between number of bus stops and high numbers of trips, but a stronger factor is peak time; Weekday Morning peak trips, followed by Weekday Afternoon peak trips, contribute to the largest outliers.

I note that these visualizations only scrape the surface of understanding the data. However, this is not the focus of our study; we do these quick visualizations only to provide better context for our study.

2 Geovisualisation And Geocommunication

2.1 Passenger Trips By Origin At Hexagon Level

Q: With reference to the time intervals provided in the table below, compute the passenger trips generated by origin at the hexagon level.
  • We use datatable() to display hexagon_sf as an interactive table. NB: In order to view the position of grid_id, we’ll need to look at the next section.
show code

2.2 Visualising The Geographical Distribution Of Passenger Trips By Origin At Hexagon Level

Q: Display the geographical distribution of the passenger trips by using appropriate geovisualisation methods.

The below code block is a little more complicated, but can be thought of as combining a tm object with custom tm_leaflet() settings:

Creating the tm object:

  • We start with tmap_mode("view") to create an interactive base layer of Singapore;
  • To create the “WEEKDAY_MORNING_TRIPS” layer, we perform the following:
    • We use tm_shape() and tm_borders() to visualize the hexagons in hexagon_sf ;
    • We use tm_fill and pass the argument col = "WEEKDAY_MORNING_TRIPS" to colour each hexagon based on the number of trips in the $WEEKDAY_MORNING_TRIPS column;
    • Since we are largely comparing the patterns, we use style = "jenks" to make use of the Jenks natural breaks classification method to group the number of trips in different hexagons. This results in more visually distinct clusters that allow us to better spot patterns and distribution.
    • This also means that each layer will be on a different scale; we therefore use different palettes so the user understand the scale breaks on each layer is different. For consistency, we also match each layer with the colourscheme in the visualisations in section 1.6.4.
    • For each feature, we add the group="WEEKDAY_MORNING_TRIPS" argument for leaflet control later.
  • We repeat this for the other three layers as well.

Creating the tm_leaflet controls:

  • We use addLayersControl() to specify the checkbox-menu of overlayGroups, according to the four defined peaks. Additional arguments allow us to ensure the menu is positioned at the top-left and expanded, for visibility and ease of use.
show code
tmap mode set to interactive viewing
show code
tm <- tm_shape(hexagon_sf, group="WEEKDAY_MORNING_TRIPS") +
 tm_borders(group="WEEKDAY_MORNING_TRIPS") + 
 tm_fill(col = "WEEKDAY_MORNING_TRIPS", 
         palette = "Greens",
         style = "jenks",
         group="WEEKDAY_MORNING_TRIPS") +
 tm_shape(hexagon_sf, group="WEEKDAY_AFTERNOON_TRIPS") +
 tm_borders(group="WEEKDAY_AFTERNOON_TRIPS") + 
 tm_fill(col = "WEEKDAY_AFTERNOON_TRIPS", 
         palette = "Reds",
         style = "jenks",
         group="WEEKDAY_AFTERNOON_TRIPS") +
 tm_shape(hexagon_sf, group="WEEKEND_MORNING_TRIPS") +
 tm_borders(group="WEEKEND_MORNING_TRIPS") + 
 tm_fill(col = "WEEKEND_MORNING_TRIPS",
         palette = "Blues",
         style = "jenks",
         group="WEEKEND_MORNING_TRIPS") +
 tm_shape(hexagon_sf, group="WEEKEND_EVENING_TRIPS") +
 tm_borders(group="WEEKEND_EVENING_TRIPS") + 
 tm_fill(col = "WEEKEND_EVENING_TRIPS",
         palette = "Purples",
         style = "jenks",
tm %>% 
  tmap_leaflet() %>%
    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE),
    position = "topleft"
show code
## Code referenced from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53094379/in-r-tmap-how-do-i-control-layer-visibility-in-interactive-mode

2.3 Observed Spatial Patterns

Q: Describe the spatial patterns revealed by the geovisualisation

There are three major patterns observable from the geospatial visualization. First, we note that a minority of hexagons are responsible for a majority of trips. Most hexagons fall within the first quintile of trips made. However, across all peak periods, we can observe contiguous regions of deeply-coloured hexagons (by switching between layers in the above visualisation) that represent regions with high numbers of bus trips. This suggests the presence of transport hubs where commuters congregate to take bus trips during peak hours – possibly bus interchanges, or MRT stations.

Secondly, we observe that these regions of high bus trips seem to roughly correspond to regions of residential new towns and MRT lines (see image below). This makes sense, as commuters are likely to leave their homes in the mornings or take buses from MRT stations. We also see a darker region in the WEEKDAY_AFTERNOON_TRIPS map corresponding to the Central Business District, as commuters leave their workplace back to home.

Image showing planning of new towns in Singapore

Image: Planning map of residential new towns and MRT lines in Singapore. Sourced from: “The developmental state in the global hegemony of neoliberalism: A new strategy for public housing in Singapore”, sourced from [Cities: The International Journal of Urban Planning and Policy, Vol 29 Issue 6, Dec 2012](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257097062_The_developmental_state_in_the_global_hegemony_of_neoliberalism_A_new_strategy_for_public_housing_in_Singapore)

Finally, however, we observe that there is incomplete information. There are more trips on Weekday Afternoons compared to Weekday Mornings, and more trips on Weekdays than Weekends. This is likely due to other forms of transport (e.g. private cars, MRTs, bicycles).

  • We can also visualize the map of all four on the same scale, for side-by-side comparison;
  • However, as has been noted, the difference in scales between Weekday (left column) and Weekend (right column) trips means that there’s not much visual information value; the Weekend plot looks mostly flat.
  • We will not go into detail about the code or spatial patterns, aside from noting that the hexagons with the highest number of trips are the same on weekdays and weekends, across morning and afternoon/evening peaks.
show code
tmap mode set to plotting
show code
custom_breaks <- seq(0, 550000, by = 50000)

wd_morn <- tm_shape(hexagon_sf) +
          style = "cont",
          palette = "-plasma",
          breaks = custom_breaks,
          title = "Trips") + 
  tm_borders() +
  tm_layout(title = "WEEKDAY_MORNING", title.size = 0.8, legend.show = FALSE)
wd_aft <- tm_shape(hexagon_sf) +
          style = "cont",
          palette = "-plasma",
          breaks = custom_breaks,
          title = "Trips") + 
  tm_borders() +
  tm_layout(title = "WEEKDAY_AFTERNOON", title.size = 0.8, legend.show = FALSE)
we_morn <- tm_shape(hexagon_sf) +
          style = "cont",
          palette = "-plasma",
          breaks = custom_breaks,
          title = "Trips") + 
  tm_borders() +
  tm_layout(title = "WEEKEND_MORNING", title.size = 0.8, legend.show = FALSE)
we_eve <- tm_shape(hexagon_sf) +
          style = "cont",
          palette = "-plasma",
          breaks = custom_breaks,
          title = "Trips") + 
  tm_borders() +
  tm_layout(title = "WEEKEND_EVENING", title.size = 0.8, legend.text.size = 0.5)

tmap_arrange(wd_morn, we_morn, wd_aft,  we_eve)

3. Geospatial Analysis: Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA) Analysis

3.1 Visualizing Queen Contiguity (And Why It Won’t Work)

  • To perform LISA analysis, we will need an nb matrix.
  • However, using QUEEN contiguity will not work, as there are a number of hexagons without neighbours (i.e. no adjacent/touching hexagons);
  • This is visible if we call st_contiguity() on our hexagon_sf with the argument “queen=TRUE” for QUEEN contiguity;
    • We see “9 regions with no links”, i.e. 9 hexagons will have no neighbours.
show code
wm_hex <- st_contiguity(hexagon_sf, queen=TRUE)
Neighbour list object:
Number of regions: 1520 
Number of nonzero links: 6874 
Percentage nonzero weights: 0.2975242 
Average number of links: 4.522368 
9 regions with no links:
561 726 980 1047 1415 1505 1508 1512 1520
Link number distribution:

  0   1   2   3   4   5   6 
  9  39 109 205 291 364 503 
39 least connected regions:
1 7 22 38 98 169 187 195 211 218 258 259 264 267 287 454 562 607 642 696 708 732 751 784 869 1021 1022 1046 1086 1214 1464 1471 1482 1500 1501 1503 1506 1510 1519 with 1 link
503 most connected regions:
10 13 16 17 24 25 31 35 42 43 48 53 55 60 63 67 73 77 80 81 84 85 87 88 91 92 97 102 107 111 117 121 127 133 140 141 143 148 149 150 154 155 156 157 163 164 165 173 174 175 183 184 185 191 192 193 194 200 201 202 205 206 207 208 216 229 239 243 244 246 257 266 271 278 279 283 284 291 292 298 300 301 302 304 309 310 312 313 316 321 324 325 327 337 338 339 340 343 352 355 363 368 390 391 400 402 403 407 414 418 423 425 431 436 437 438 440 443 450 451 452 461 466 467 468 469 473 477 480 481 485 489 493 494 496 502 503 507 513 514 517 518 523 529 534 539 543 548 549 550 552 556 558 564 568 573 574 576 577 581 590 591 594 598 599 604 605 609 615 619 624 626 633 636 637 638 648 649 650 654 655 657 658 659 669 670 671 677 680 681 682 687 688 690 691 700 701 704 705 706 713 716 717 724 727 728 729 740 741 755 757 758 760 771 774 775 776 777 782 783 787 788 789 792 793 794 795 799 800 806 807 810 811 812 813 819 820 823 824 825 830 831 832 841 843 844 846 847 848 850 851 852 853 854 860 863 865 866 867 871 872 876 877 878 880 881 882 884 885 887 888 891 893 896 899 902 905 906 910 914 919 921 926 927 928 930 931 935 937 943 944 945 946 947 948 954 958 959 962 963 968 969 971 972 973 977 984 985 986 987 988 990 996 997 998 999 1004 1011 1012 1013 1014 1024 1025 1026 1028 1029 1036 1037 1038 1042 1050 1051 1054 1056 1057 1062 1063 1064 1066 1067 1068 1069 1076 1078 1079 1080 1083 1089 1093 1100 1101 1102 1105 1106 1110 1111 1117 1120 1121 1122 1128 1133 1134 1135 1136 1141 1142 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1150 1156 1157 1158 1162 1163 1164 1166 1169 1170 1171 1172 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1184 1186 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1210 1211 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1227 1233 1234 1235 1239 1244 1245 1251 1253 1254 1255 1261 1265 1266 1271 1272 1273 1277 1281 1283 1289 1299 1301 1302 1303 1304 1316 1318 1324 1325 1326 1327 1329 1330 1331 1334 1335 1336 1337 1343 1344 1345 1352 1353 1355 1356 1361 1365 1366 1368 1369 1371 1372 1377 1380 1381 1382 1384 1388 1391 1393 1395 1398 1406 1408 1412 1417 1418 1420 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1433 1434 1435 1436 1440 1441 1442 1446 1447 1449 1451 1453 1456 1457 1459 1460 1461 1462 1469 with 6 links
  • We can perform a quick visualization of the hexagons with no neighbours;

  • We plot all hexagons, in green, from hexagon_sf, as an underlying layer;

  • On top of this layer, we plot all hexagons with no neighbours, hexagon_sf_nonb in red;

    • Using the output from above, we create a list of hexagons with no neighbours, hex_no_nb ;
    • We create hexagon_sf_nonb by adding a $RowNumber column using mutate() and using row_number() to label each row;
    • Finally, we use subset() to select only the hexagons with no neighbours.
    show code
    hex_no_nb <- c(561, 726, 980, 1047, 1415, 1505, 1508, 1512, 1520)
    hexagon_sf_nonb <- hexagon_sf %>%
      mutate(RowNumber = row_number()) %>%
      subset((RowNumber  %in% hex_no_nb))
    tm_shape(hexagon_sf) + 
      tm_fill("green") + 
      tm_borders() +
      tm_shape(hexagon_sf_nonb) + 

  • We note that the Easternmost red outlier hexagon is likely the bus stop outside Changi Naval Base:

show code
coordinates <- st_coordinates(raw_bus_stop_sf$geometry)

# Find the index of the easternmost point
easternmost_index <- which.max(coordinates[, 1])

# Extract the easternmost bus-stop
easternmost_point <- raw_bus_stop_sf[easternmost_index, ]
easternmost_point # 96439
Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 3 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 48284.56 ymin: 33326.57 xmax: 48284.56 ymax: 33326.57
Projected CRS: SVY21 / Singapore TM
     BUS_STOP_N BUS_ROOF_N          LOC_DESC                  geometry
3063      96439        B04 CHANGI NAVAL BASE POINT (48284.56 33326.57)

3.2 Creating Distance-Based nb Neighbours Matrix

3.2.1 Identifying Coordinates Of centroid

  • Creating Distance-based neighbour weights matrix relies on point geometry;
  • That means, we need to calculate the centroids of each hexagon, by creating centroid_coords:
    • This combines two lists, longitude and latitude, which we extract using st_centroid and indexing either the first or second value using [[]]
    • map_dbl() ensures we obtain longitude and latitude as double integers
show code
longitude <- map_dbl(hexagon_sf$raw_hex_grid, ~st_centroid(.x)[[1]])
latitude <- map_dbl(hexagon_sf$raw_hex_grid, ~st_centroid(.x)[[2]])
centroid_coords <- cbind(longitude, latitude)
cat("Printing first 6 rows of `centroid_coords`:\n")
Printing first 6 rows of `centroid_coords`:
show code
     longitude latitude
[1,]  3970.122 28214.15
[2,]  4220.122 28647.16
[3,]  4470.122 30812.23
[4,]  4720.122 28647.16
[5,]  4720.122 30379.22
[6,]  4720.122 31245.24

3.2.2 Identifying The Minimum DIstance So Each Hexagon Has At Least One Neighbour

  • We use st_knn() with argument “k=1” to create a neighbour list, k1_nn_obj, such that each hexagon centroid has 1 neighbour (using the k-nearest-neighbour algorithm);
  • We use st_nb_dists() to create a list of distances between each hexagon centroid and its nearest neighbours;
  • We performing unlist() on the object to convert it into a vector of numeric values, so that we can run summary() to see summary statistics on it.
show code
k1_nn_obj <- st_knn(centroid_coords, k = 1)
k1dists <- unlist(st_nb_dists(centroid_coords, k1_nn_obj))
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  500.0   500.0   500.0   503.4   500.0  2291.3 
  • We see that the furthest distance between a hexagon and its nearest neighbour is about 2.3km away; that will be the upper limit value needed to create distance-based contiguity.

Personally, I would drop the outlier (the hexagon with the Changi Naval Base bus stop). My reasoning is thus:

  • Logically speaking, we are enmeshing regions up to more than four hexagons away; this may lea to greater-than-average lag than is necessary.

  • As a commuter, walking 2.3km to the next nearest bus-stop hexagon is impractical and a clear outlier situation.

  • In personal testing, removing Changi Naval Base drops the maximum nearest-neighbour distance to 1km, which is more reasonable for both analysis and real-life considerations, but I note this here for future work and as commentary.

3.3 Creating A Distance-Based Weights Natrix

  • To create a neighbours list, we use st_dist_band() on the centroid_coords of our hexagons, and pass “upper = 2300” to set the upper limit for the neighbour threshold (rounding up to 2.3km from our previous result);
  • We then use st_weights() to create the weights matrix; by default, the function creates row-standardised weights, but we could also have specified “style =”W”” for completeness.
show code
hex_2km_nb <- st_dist_band(centroid_coords, lower = 0, upper = 2300)
hex_2km_wt <- st_weights(hex_2km_nb)

head(hex_2km_wt, 5)
 [1] 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

 [1] 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625
[11] 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625

 [1] 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276
 [7] 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276
[13] 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276
[19] 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276
[25] 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276 0.03448276

 [1] 0.05555556 0.05555556 0.05555556 0.05555556 0.05555556 0.05555556
 [7] 0.05555556 0.05555556 0.05555556 0.05555556 0.05555556 0.05555556
[13] 0.05555556 0.05555556 0.05555556 0.05555556 0.05555556 0.05555556

 [1] 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333
 [7] 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333
[13] 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333
[19] 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333
[25] 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333 0.03333333

3.4 Calculate Local Moran’s I

  • For each peak period, we perform a calculation using local_moran(), feeding in the nb neighbours list and wt weight matrix from the previous section;
    • We use select() to isolate the columns that we need, specifically the Local Moran’s I statistics $ii, the p-value $p_ii, and the LISA $mean(here, we use mean over median or pysal columns);
    • For ease of use later, we rename these columns with rename() ;
    • We repeat for each of the four peak periods.
  • Finally, we use a cbind() to append the columns back to our hexagon_sf :
show code
localMI_day_morn <- local_moran(hexagon_sf$WEEKDAY_MORNING_TRIPS, hex_2km_nb, hex_2km_wt) %>%
  select(ii, p_ii, mean) %>%
  rename(DAY_MORN_LMI = ii,
         DAY_MORN_p = p_ii,
         DAY_MORN_mean = mean)
localMI_day_aft <- local_moran(hexagon_sf$WEEKDAY_AFTERNOON_TRIPS, hex_2km_nb, hex_2km_wt) %>%
  select(ii, p_ii, mean) %>%
  rename(DAY_AFT_LMI = ii,
         DAY_AFT_p = p_ii,
         DAY_AFT_mean = mean)
localMI_end_morn <- local_moran(hexagon_sf$WEEKEND_MORNING_TRIPS , hex_2km_nb, hex_2km_wt) %>%
  select(ii, p_ii, mean) %>%
  rename(END_MORN_LMI = ii,
         END_MORN_p = p_ii,
         END_MORN_mean = mean)
localMI_end_eve <- local_moran(hexagon_sf$WEEKEND_EVENING_TRIPS, hex_2km_nb, hex_2km_wt) %>%
  select(ii, p_ii, mean) %>%
  rename(END_EVE_LMI = ii,
         END_EVE_p = p_ii,
         END_EVE_mean = mean)

hexagon_sf_local_moran <- cbind(hexagon_sf,localMI_day_morn, localMI_day_aft, localMI_end_morn, localMI_end_eve)
Q: Compute LISA of the passengers trips generate by origin at hexagon level.
show code

3.5 Removing Statistically Non-Significant Values Before Plotting the LISA Map

  • To plot the LISA map, we will use the peak-specific $mean column; this uses the mean of values to classify regions into either outliers (High-Low or Low-High) or clusters (High-High or Low-Low).
  • However, we also only want to see categories if they are statistically significant, i.e. if the $p_ii value is >= 0.05, we should coerce the LISA category to “Insignificant”, so we need to do some cleaning;
  • Once again, we use our trusty friend mutate() to modify existing columns;
    • We pass the column $DAY_MORN_mean and define a case_when() statement that replaces the value with “Insignificant” if the $DAY_MORN_p value is greater than 0.05 (i.e. p-value is higher than 0.05);
    • We repeat this for the other peak periods:
show code
df <- hexagon_sf_local_moran %>% 
    DAY_MORN_mean = case_when(
                      DAY_MORN_p  >= 0.05 ~ "Insignificant",
                      TRUE               ~ DAY_MORN_mean
    DAY_AFT_mean = case_when(
                      DAY_AFT_p   >= 0.05  ~ "Insignificant",
                      TRUE               ~ DAY_AFT_mean
    END_MORN_mean  = case_when(
                      END_MORN_p  >= 0.05 ~ "Insignificant",
                      TRUE               ~ END_MORN_mean 
    END_EVE_mean = case_when(
                      END_EVE_p   >= 0.05  ~ "Insignificant",
                      TRUE               ~ END_EVE_mean

3.6 Plotting The LISA Map

  • Now, we perform a similar plot to the visualisation above in Section 2.2;
    • We use tmap_leaflet() and addLayersControl() to allow for toggling between the various peak periods;
    • We pass group= argument for each tmap function to group them into layer groups;
    • We use tm_shape() to plot the hexagons, tm_borders() to draw the borders and tm_fill() to colour them in.
  • The difference here is we define a custom palette, colors, sourced from Prof Kam’s book.
show code
tmap mode set to interactive viewing
show code
colors <- c("#2c7bb6", "#abd9e9", "#ffffff", "#fdae61", "#d7191c")
# Custom colors palette sourced from: https://r4gdsa.netlify.app/chap10#plotting-lisa-map

tm2 <- tm_shape(df, group="DAY_MORN") +
 tm_borders(group="DAY_MORN") + 
 tm_fill(col = "DAY_MORN_mean", 
         alpha = 0.8,
         palette = colors,
         group="DAY_MORN") + 
      tm_shape(df, group="DAY_AFT") +
 tm_borders(group="DAY_AFT") + 
 tm_fill(col = "DAY_AFT_mean", 
         alpha = 0.8,
         palette = colors,
         group="DAY_AFT") +

      tm_shape(df, group="END_MORN") +
 tm_borders(group="END_MORN") + 
 tm_fill(col = "END_MORN_mean", 
         alpha = 0.8,
         palette = colors,
         group="END_MORN") + 
      tm_shape(df, group="END_EVE") +
 tm_borders(group="END_EVE") + 
 tm_fill(col = "END_EVE_mean", 
         alpha = 0.8,
         palette = colors,
tm2 %>% 
  tmap_leaflet() %>%
  hideGroup(c("DAY_AFT", "END_MORN", "END_EVE")) %>%
    overlayGroups = c("DAY_MORN", "DAY_AFT",
                      "END_MORN", "END_EVE"),
    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE),
    position = "topleft"
Q: With reference to the analysis results, draw statistical conclusions (not more than 200 words per visual).
  • The Westmost region (Tuas, Boon Lay) areas are hugely underserved by buses, across all peak periods.
  • Travel patterns on Weekends are more homogeneous (regions are similar across Weekend Morning and Weekend Evening peaks); however, there is a stark difference between Weekday Morning and Weekday Afternoon peaks. This likely reflects people leaving homes to commute / people leaving places of work, study, or commerce to return home.
  • Across all peak periods, there are consistent areas of high demand; these include:
    • A region in the West, stretching across Jurong West-Jurong East-Bukit Batok-Choa Chu Kang neighbourhoods;
    • A cluster in the North, around the Woodlands region;
    • A cluster in the East, around the Bedok-Tampines region;
  • There are also regions of peak-specific demand;
    • In the Northeast, there is a region of High-High peak around the Sengkang-Punggol region during weekday and weeknd mornings, that are not there during weekday evenings/weekend afternoons. This may represent residents leaving homes to commute to school, work, or recreation, but returning outside peak hours or not using buses.
    • There is Central region around the Chinatown-CBD-Bugis-Rochor stretch that shows High-High and Low-High peaks of traffic demand on all peaks aside from Weekday Mornings; it is likely that these are not residential areas, but places of commerce, shopping, or work.
  • To reiterate previous conclusions, most hexagons do not show significant trends and may be disregarded in favour of analysis of major hotspots; and there is incomplete information in our dataset.

3.6.1 Plotting The LISA Maps Side-By-Side

  • For better illustration of the regions and conclusions, we can plot the maps altogether, using similar methods as before.
show code
tmap mode set to plotting
show code
wd_morn_lisa <- tm_shape(df) +
          palette = colors) + 
  tm_borders() +
  tm_layout(title = "WEEKDAY_MORNING LISA", title.size = 0.8, legend.show = FALSE)

wd_aft_lisa <- tm_shape(df) +
          palette = colors) + 
  tm_borders() +
  tm_layout(title = "WEEKDAY_AFTERNOON LISA", title.size = 0.8, legend.show = FALSE)

we_morn_lisa <- tm_shape(df) +
          palette = colors) + 
  tm_borders() +
  tm_layout(title = "WEEKEND_MORNING LISA", title.size = 0.8, legend.show = FALSE)

we_eve_lisa <- tm_shape(df) +
          palette = colors,
          title="LISA") + 
  tm_borders() +
  tm_layout(title = "WEEKEND_EVENING LISA", title.size = 0.8, 
            legend.text.size = 0.4, legend.position = c("right", "bottom"))

tmap_arrange(wd_morn_lisa, we_morn_lisa, wd_aft_lisa,  we_eve_lisa)

3.7 Plotting the Local Moran’s I statistics

  • For completeness, we have also plotted the map of Local Moran’s I statistic for brief discussion;
  • We simply wish to observe that there appear to be persistent hotspot hexagons with outlier values (i.e. very positive or very negative) that persist across all peaks.
show code
tmap mode set to plotting
show code
wd_morn_lmi <- tm_shape(df) +
          palette = "RdBu",
          midpoint = 0,
          title="Local Moran's I") + 
  tm_borders() +
  tm_layout(title = "WEEKDAY_MORNING", title.size = 0.8, 
            legend.text.size = 0.4, legend.position = c("left", "top"),
            title.position = c("right", "top"))

wd_aft_lmi <- tm_shape(df) +
          palette = "RdBu",
          midpoint = 0) + 
  tm_borders() +
  tm_layout(title = "WEEKDAY_AFTERNOON", title.size = 0.8, legend.show = FALSE,
            title.position = c("right", "top"))

we_morn_lmi <- tm_shape(df) +
          palette = "RdBu",
          midpoint = 0) + 
  tm_borders() +
  tm_layout(title = "WEEKEND_MORNING", title.size = 0.8, legend.show = FALSE,
            title.position = c("right", "top"))

we_eve_lmi <- tm_shape(df) +
          palette = "RdBu",
          midpoint = 0) + 
  tm_borders() +
  tm_layout(title = "WEEKEND_EVENING", title.size = 0.8, legend.show = FALSE,
            title.position = c("right", "top"))

tmap_arrange(wd_morn_lmi, we_morn_lmi, wd_aft_lmi,  we_eve_lmi)

4 Summary Of Observations & Future Work

  • From the geospatial visualisations, we have identified regions of high traffic based on bus stop origin trip data.
    • Considering only passenger trips (Section 2), there are certain regions where many trips originate. These are likely areas of transit from other transporation types, e.g. MRT Stations or taxi stands.
    • Considering LISA (Section 3), there appear to be different traffic demands at different peak times. In particular, we saw a difference in traffic demand regions during Weekday Morning and Weekday Afternoon peaks.
  • For further work, we can consider the following:
    • Integrating data from other sources of public transport including MRT data. This will provide a more holistic picture.
    • Incorporate Emerging Hotspot Analysis across the months and across the hours of the day, in order to get a clearer picture of travel patterns
    • Mapping regions of residence/commerce/study in order to provide context for major areas of high traffic.